We all know already now that man is a kind consumer, natural resources need to coexist with our environment, is in this way that man exploits natural resources our planet has to become a manufactured and thus, it can be used to cover certain or several specific needs.
But also, the man needs to consume natural resources directly holding the planet in order to survive, which what are they? The products that we extract directly from the ground, such as vegetables and fruits, or the sea, as the various species of fish or seafood available.
But why Geophysics is related to what I tell them? Just because we are talking about the "natural resources" that has our planet.
But what if the man makes an excessive consumption of these resources? How would it affect humanity if our planet was depleted sources of natural resource? Did you ever think you put this question? What is certain is that the man is a highly resource-intensive.
Thus in this way, according to data from the World Wildlife Fund, "the planet's annual stock exhausted its resources" (1). What we can understand that we are overusing the planet widened as human consumption is already higher than the capacity of nature to renew its resources. This data could be obtained from a report released two days ago by an NGO World Wildlife Fund, or what is equal to WWF for its acronym in English. But why do this? Are we not capable of giving you that our planet needs a week off? Such reports make us see ourselves as cannibals who only like to eat and eat.
It is obvious, of course, that a percentage of the world population does not think like me, there are people who realize this exploitation is happening in the world, which it is estimated that the demand of humanity for food, raw materials and absorption carbon dioxide, among others compare it to the replacement capacity of these natural resources. (1)
The truth is that much consume, while in other parts of the world there is a shortage of food in other places there overfeeding, even a small percentage "boot" food. Remember also this vicious circle, while a more developed, more grows and need more food necessarily, if I'm not mistaken Europe one time had great demand for food, is that they were developed at an increasing rate. To this we must also add the overcrowding that exists in a given country, as in Asian countries.
In addition, this study revealed that in just over eight months, humanity used all the resources that nature is replenishing layer in a year (1). How can it be possible? In my view, it is not enough to plant a tree when you do is cut both.
But what is the opinion of this company revealed this report? "... This situation is to raise the ecological debit, which is reflected in reduction of forests, loss of biodiversity, collapse of fisheries resources, food shortages, reduced soil productivity and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ... "(1).
Thanks also to our Amazon deforestation, man has contributed to the scarcity of various resources, without considering that it is also a direct perpetrator in a high percentage of currently existing Global Warming.
If we continue with this policy of mass consumption of natural resources, there is another factor now if affect us directly, the economy. This eventually becomes a political issue, which the author is the state. As a general rule should implement an emergency law or decree, on the exploitation of various natural resources existing in each region.
What was the opinion of Maria Cecilia Wey de Brito, Secretary General of the WWF? "... Reduce the impact of consumption on the planet's natural resources is a task that relates to both the governments and citizens ..." (1). It says that the natural resources from the ground, sea and air are the state. It is a way the state administers them, but they are not rightful owners. The truth is that there are certain countries that upon hearing about the news of the scarce natural resources to planet not interested, but there is that population realizes and manifests to safeguard the autonomy of the planet of its resources. As I mentioned, by nature man is a species consuming, so you have to give a breath or a break to the planet to which again can generate natural resources over time has been able to provide the man to survive, do not forget that Planet Earth is our home and necessarily must be looked after, if we continue with this kind of negative thoughts, here is a few years, or even decades, Earth is a planet inert or dead. Sooner or later we will pay our bill.
Recall that we must encourage responsible consumption in order to reduce the ecological footprint is leaving man with time.
(1) http://www.sinmordaza.com/noticia/188628-el-planeta-agoto-su-stock-anual-de-recursos.html