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Ciencia y Geofísica


Ciencia y Geofísica


Currently on our planet there are countless earthquakes recorded annually worldwide, most of them happen because of what scientists and geophysicists call as the Pacific Ring of Fire, as in this place are usually subduction zones in the world causing a seismic and volcanic activity.
In addition we also understand that the earthquakes that occur in that area is the product of plate tectonics, the movement and collision between them that exist between each of the crustal plates.

If we talk about the earthquakes that occur on our planet can also mention that the earthquakes are given by another class of phenomena, such as landslides, explosions, or falling meteorites. But in places as far away planet where seismic activity is not common, why originate? Due to what?

Lately this mentioning in the world that are occurring earthquakes in Antarctica, how can we explain the origin of these earthquakes? Are they related to a highly seismic source that even the man does not know? Our blog will show our readers what the source of these seismic seismic.

Currently there has been an earthquake of 7.3 degrees on the Richter scale that struck a sector of Antarctica and generated large waves, but fortunately they were not strong enough to form a tsunami in the region. It is also said that this major earthquake could be recorded worldwide. Source:

It is evident in a high degree, that the Antarctic continent is not only ice and snow, it does offer a platform with these characteristics, but do not be fooled by that morphology Antarctic. Since this frozen continent actually has a current volcanic and seismic activity, although it might sound a little hard to believe, is true.

The volcanic activity of this region ice is due to the presence or existence of a growing rift in the Bransfield Sea, due to the complex dynamics of plates and microplates that exist, besides the plates converge Antarctic, Pacific and Atlantic , Scotia plate and the former Phoenix plate, which were generated and more generally known, the amount of ten and three surfaced submarine volcanoes, such is the Volcan Deception, Penguin and Bridgeman.

However, it is noteworthy that the seismic activity of the Antarctic continent is due to the expansion of the Bransfield rift with earthquakes of magnitude greater than 6 degrees on the Richter scale and the subduction north of the South Shetland islands generating deep earthquakes . Source:

In my opinion you can do a test to start studying these natural phenomena having on hand a seismic map of the area to begin studies on the seismic frequency of this frozen continent.

So in this way we will better understand what the mechanism of the formation of earthquakes in this remote area, which has a high degree of morphological activity, tectonic and volcanic.

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