"Geophysics is the science that is responsible for the study of the Earth from the point of view of Physics. Investigates and analyzes the origin of various natural phenomena such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. based on indirect tools for study taking as a basis quantitative methods and methods based on gravity measurements, magnetic, electromagnetic or electrical fields. " - Science and Geophysics
By Gustavo Zavala Grundy / Posted on noviembre 06, 2019 / No comments
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(1) Geophysics is the science that is responsible for the study of the Earth from the point of view of physics. Its object of study covers all phenomena related to the structure, physical conditions and evolutionary history of the Earth. Being a mainly experimental discipline, it uses physical quantitative methods for its study, such as the physics of reflection and refraction of mechanical waves, and a series of methods based on the measurement of gravity, electromagnetic, magnetic or electric fields and radioactive phenomena. In some cases such methods take advantage of natural fields or phenomena (gravity, earth magnetism, tides, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) and in others induced by man (electric fields and seismic phenomena).
Indeed, being Geophysics a science, as such is responsible for studying several criteria or variables related to current physical phenomena that occur on our planet. Such variables can be the following: the temperature of the oceans, the "b" parameter of the earthquakes, the wave equation, Laplace equations, etc. And is that if we pay attention to the term Geophysics, we will realize that it is the study of the Earth through physics. Therefore, quantitative methods are used for the study of the different phenomena that occur daily, always supported by measuring equipment that are responsible for collecting numerical data which the geophysicist must analyze and give a coherent and realistic interpretation of the phenomenon he is studying. Geophysics can be considered as an abstract science, since all phenomena that occur on Earth are governed by mathematics and physics which must be studied to understand how and why certain geophysical events occur.
When we talk about the object of study of Geophysics, we refer to all its branches of study which are variable and different from each other. These branches of study are: climatology, meteorology, seismology, geothermal, geophysical prospecting (electrical, seismic, gravimetric, magnetic, telluric), tectonophysics, geodesy, volcanology, geotechnics, environmental impact, rock mechanics, soil mechanics, hydrogeology, oceanography, geomagnetism, gravimetry, natural resources, paleomagnetism, aeronomy, spatial geophysics among others.
All these branches of Geophysics help us to study and understand the physical properties of our planet and all the phenomena that occur, since all of these have their physical foundation and are governed by mathematics. Thus, every person who wishes to study Geophysics must have mastery of physics and mathematics, since these two sciences will help us study Geophysics. And why do we say that they have to have mastery of physics and mathematics? These two fundamental sciences will help us to conduct research in geophysics. You can visit our content of Geophysics and Mathematics.
(2) We can also say of Geophysics, which is a part of Geology that studies the structure and composition of the Earth and the physical agents that modify it. Geology uses all the methods that Geophysics employs, since they consider it a support tool for competent Geology studies.
"Geophysics is the science that is responsible for the study of the Earth from the point of view of Physics. Investigates and analyzes the origin of various natural phenomena such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. based on indirect tools for study taking as a basis quantitative methods and methods based on gravity measurements, magnetic, electromagnetic or electrical fields. " - Science and Geophysics
"Geophysics is the science that is responsible for the study of the Earth from the point of view of Physics. Investigates and analyzes the origin of various natural phenomena such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. based on indirect tools for study taking as a basis quantitative methods and methods based on gravity measurements, magnetic, electromagnetic or electrical fields. " - Science and Geophysics
(1) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geofísica
(2) https://www.google.com/search?q=Dictionary#dobs=geophysics
* We respect copyright. We thank Hidrogeocorp for the image of this entry for informational purposes only.
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