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Ciencia y Geofísica


Ciencia y Geofísica

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The tectonophysics often used observations of tectonic geology but unlike the latter is concerned with understanding the physics governing lithospheric deformation scale. - Wikipedia.

Global warming is an irrefutable fact that we ourselves have caused to our planet. But how we could help our planet that this trend is not so drastic? Can we do something? The answer to these questions is no doubt that we can do.

Here's how to do it and contribute to our planet in a way to control the growing trend of global warming.

The Environmental Engineer Miguel Recalde exposes some "tips" simple that we can apply every day.

Change the bulbs and / or foci of your home! (1)

The reason for this is that normal bulbs release more CO2 into the atmosphere than saving bulbs. A part that decrease our costs of lighting service.

Unplug appliances in your home! (1)

When leaving home not always forget to turn off all appliances that may be connected to the outlet, this will help the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is also reduced, and also help you prevent fires from occurring in your home or equipment marred by the entrance of a high potential difference current.

Walk or bike! (1)

We all know that the use of cars released into the atmosphere any amount of CO2. Why not walk or use bicycles to get to your destination?

Helps the planet to prevent the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. In addition, walking or bicycling are healthy activities that should practice daily. Do not have a bike? Leave home with extra minutes so you can not fall behind.

Here are some easy alternatives that can to give a respite to our planet. Clearly there are many more. What think you could add to the list?

Discussed later more tips to prevent global warming trend increases.

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